Meeting online and in Person in the Fellowship Hall at 9:30am
(click the button above to join via Zoom)
passcode | 112946
Meeting in the Church Sanctuary and online at 9:45am
Zoom ID | 998 3524 6824
(click on the button above to join the Zoom class)
Dialogues - Green Room
Adult Bible Study Class - Training Room
Young Adults - Prayer Room
Discipler - Garden Chapel
Cradle Roll (birth - 2 yrs) - Classroom 1
Tiny Tots (3-4 yrs) - Classroom 2
Early Birds (Age 5-1st Grade) - Classroom 3
Primary (2nd-4th Grade) - Classroom 4
Junior (5th-6th Grade) - Junior Room
Jr. High (7th-8th Grade) - Fireside Room North
High School - Fireside Room